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Suffering acute &
chronic pain?


Invoke Clinic

Welcome to Invoke Health. We are a results oriented practice, providing a range of traditional and modern techniques, designed to support a healthy lifestyle. Chances are, you have heard about our practice through our clients or perhaps just curious about the benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Whichever one is true for you, we look forward to seeing you soon.


Restore health, prevent disease and treat both symptoms and their cause.

Tui Na (Massage)

A highly effective form of therapy with origins dating back two thousand years.


Improve circulation, release toxins and activate lymphatic system.

Foot Soak

Promote blood circulation, remove pathogens and restore balance.

Chinese Medicine

A blend of traditional and modern techniques to Invoke Health.

Invoke Services

Acute and Chronic Conditions

Low back pain, headache (tension-type and chronic); knee osteoarthritis; migraine prophylaxis; post-operative pain, post-stroke recovery, nausea & vomiting; allergic rhinitis (perennial & seasonal).

Men’s Health

Prostatitis pain/chronic pelvic pain syndrome; post-stroke insomnia; post-stroke shoulder pain; post-stroke spasticity; stroke rehabilitation; neck pain; shoulder pain; low back pain; obesity; headache.

Womans Health

Back or pelvic pain during pregnancy; menopausal hot flushes; premenopausal and postmenopausal insomnia; labour pain; sciatica.

Digestive and Respiratory

Irritable bowel syndrome; constipation; asthma; obesity; smoking cessation.

Stress and Emotional Imbalance

Anxiety; depression; hypertension; insomnia; post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); restless leg syndrome.

Sports Injuries

Lateral elbow pain; plantar heal pain, shoulder pain; neck pain; knee pain; knee osteoarthritis; lower back pain; other muscular skeletal injuries.

Invoke Benefits

Relieve Work Related Stress

Working in an environment of constant change and chaos, eventually erodes a persons capacity and capability to cope. In most workplaces, the demands are increasing as we are asked to deliver more with less. Work from home environments and smart technology mean we are always on and rarely escape the grind. At Invoke Health we work with you to treat the physical, psychological and behavioural symptoms of work related stress.


Reducing Muscular Tension

Muscle tension can lead to intermittent and long term pain. This pain is often experienced in the neck, back and shoulders or in an area of past injury. At Invoke Health we see clients with all kinds of muscular and skeletal conditions. Using a blend of modern and traditional techniques we identify and release the muscles causing the pain. Whether it’s a single treatment which can have a lasting effect or a tailored plan to support the recovery process, we’ve got you covered.


Re-Balance Emotions

In today’s fast paced society, our emotional wellbeing is under constant attack. We are taught to “just keep moving”, but suppressing or dismissing emotions can come at a cost longer term, as they show up in the forms of stress, anxiety and other emotional disorders. At Invoke Health we work with you to restore emotional balance. Whether it’s after a season of neglect or a traumatic experience, our treatments can provide clarity of mind and a renewed and healthier you.


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